Āwhina mai

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By supporting our kaupapa, we can continue to make an impact

 1. Restoring Waters for Future Generations - Our mission focuses on replenishing our waters by merging Mātauranga Māori with Western science for swimmable, pure waters. We're dedicated to protecting our waters and cultural heritage for future generations.

2. Uniting Our Community for Water Security - We're committed to engaging our community, including you, through the principles of Kaitiakitanga. We aim to care for our waters through values-driven funding and diverse collaborations while embracing our cultural values.

3. Innovating for Cleaner Waters - We're committed to adopting sustainable practices to reduce water pollution into waterways. Through collaboration, we continue to develop innovative approaches to improving water quality.

4. Transforming Water Guardianship by 2030 - By 2030, we envision an Aotearoa where clean water is abundant, healthy and pure. Through shared knowledge and responsibility, we focus on community engagement, tree planting, and wetland revival.

Donate a tree today.
Every $10 that is donated is 1 more native tree in the ground!

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Get involved!

Enhance the waters and replenish our taonga within Aotearoa